Signs and Symptoms

In the early stages of this disease there are no symptoms as the damage slowly gets worse. Kidney damage can begin 5 to 10 years before symptoms start to show. As the kidneys damage gets worse, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels rise. The first sign of kidney damage is a small amount of protein in the urine that can be found by a urine test. High blood pressure is another early sign.
One of the earliest physical symptoms that can be detected in the early stages of kidney disease are weight gain, swelling in the ankles, and frequent trips to the bathroom, but as the damage gets worse symptoms that start to show are the swelling in the body such as the feet and legs. People who have a more severe and long-term chronic kidney disease may have symptoms like constant fatigueness, weakness, general ill feeling, headaches, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating and muscle cramps in the legs.
weight gain shown

Edema in the legs, ankle, foot

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